Internet of Things (IOT) is network of devices like appliances, cars, homes, lights, etc, that have embedded sensors, actuators, software, and connectivity which enables devices to connect and exchange data. The Internet of Things (IOT) connects devices to the Internet and to each other.
According to Matthew Evans, The Internet of Things program head at TechUK, the Internet of Things consists of devices from sensors to smartphones and wearables that are interconnected. The combination of these physical devices with automated systems enables information to be gathered and analyzed for the purpose of creating an action to assist a person or entity with a particular task or to learn from a process.
According to Caroline Gorsk, the Head of Internet of Things at Digital Catapult, IOT is basically about the networks, the devices, and the data. The Internet of things enables communication of devices within a closed private internet network by bringing the network together, it not only gives room for communication within a closed network but across different network types thus creating a much more connected world.
IOT helps us in carrying out our duties efficiently, saving people and companies money and time. It allows government, companies, and public authorities to rethink the way they produce goods and deliver services. The scope and quality of the data across the Internet of Things creates an opportunity for a much more responsive and contextualized interaction.
In the near future, virtually everything that can be connected will be connected, to make life easier, that is the reason why the Internet of Things has become a very hot and trending topic in contemporary times. For example, if you are on your way to the office or a meeting, your car can access your calendar and tell you the best route to take, or if the route you are taking has a busy traffic, your car can send out a text notifying the office that you will be late, or when your alarm wakes you up in the morning it can also notify your cook to prepare breakfast. Imagine a world that would allow normal tasks to be fully automated, like if your fishpond knew when the water was dirty and automatically flushes out the water and brings in new water. The Internet of Things (IOT) can be even be applied to transportation networks, which can help in reducing waste and improving efficiency in the use of energy.
As IOS opens doors to endless possibilities, we are aware that it is not free from its own challenges. Security can be an issue when it comes to the functionality of IOT, with a lot of devices being interconnected, what can be done to ensure that information stays secured? Is there a possibility that it can be hacked, and access can be gained into a network? While we seek to understand the impact of IOT on our lives, we are also trying to help companies understand the opportunities as more devices continue to join the Internet of Things IOT. Here at Bereano Partners we help you transition into the inevitable world of the Internet of Things. We would love to talk to you about what your business can do to become more effective and efficient through taking advantage of the opportunities that the Internet of Things provides. Give us a call today at 206-250-6625, we look forward to speaking with you personally.